Privacy and Data Protection Policy

Purple Frog Asset Management

Purple Frog takes our responsibility to protect your data very seriously. We have a range of policies in place that reflect this commitment.

For detailed information on how we collect, manage and use your data, please read our Privacy Notice:

This also details your rights with regards to your data, as well as our legal basis for collecting and using the information that you provide us.

You can read our overall policy here:

One of the ways we collect your data is using cookies. Our cookie policy is here:

To prevent unauthorised access to your data, we control who can access your data, as well as how and when it is accessed. This is explained in our Security Access Policy:

To further ensure there is no unauthorised access to information, we are careful in how we dispose of hard drives, which may contain data. This is explained in our policy on disposal of removable storage:

We use Mailchimp to send marketing messages. We have two open marketing groups. We will not add you to either of these lists unless you give your  express consent. You are able to remove that consent at anytime. You can do this either via the Unsubscribe link that we include in all marketing emails. Alternatively, you can email and ask to be unsubscribed.

To join either list, or to manage your preferences, please follow the relevant link below: (Please note you will be directed away from the Purple Frog website.)

Landlords & Investors:

Student Community:


As part of our commitment to help our clients manage all aspects of their portfolios, some of our landlords have adopted Purple Frog’s privacy policies. This is to ensure that our clients are supported in meeting their commitments to data protection and that tenants’ data is managed securely at all times.

The privacy policy has been amended slightly to reflect the difference in how data is managed.

Landlord data protection policy

Landlord privacy notice

Landlord security access policy

Landlord disposal of removable storage media:

Contact Us

If you have any questions about how we handle your information, please feel free to contact us, either by email at or in writing at:

Data Controller
Purple Frog Asset Management Limited
47 Calthorpe Road
B15 1TH

If you feel we have mishandled your data and would like to make a formal complaint, you can do this via our complaints process. This is explained in our complaints policy.

We regularly review all of our privacy policies. This means that we may update the above documents, without further notification. Please make sure you review these documents to ensure that you are aware of our up-to-date policies.